Thursday, May 17, 2012

Twins 2nd grade Program...../ and a lot of catching up..

So, to start off not sure if I like this new layout of Blogger, but I am sure all get adjusted to it and then they will change it again. And then you will be seeing a lot of post coming. We have been busy and I just haven't had time to post everything and update. The twins had there program on May 3rd, 2012. It was the usual 2nd grade program titled "Friends". They did change it up a little bit and for some reason it seemed a lot cuter than I remember when Patrick did it... Sorry Patrick. They both did a great job and Jacob had a small speaking part and Blake had a little dance part, but all the pictures turned out blurry. Thank goodness someone records this and then you can buy the DVD. 

Jacob singing and then doing the moves with the song..

Not to happy that he has to go back to back with a girl.. lol

 His speaking part..

Blake singing... You could really see him singing big.. nice job Blake

Blake happy one minute and not the next... the 2nd one is his usual look so I was happy to see one smile during the program... and then he got paired up with our old neighbor friend Sadie, she is so cute Shelli!

After the concert... had to take pictures of the 2 of them since they are truly Friends..

The header before they start a movie of pictures of all the kids..

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